Basic Biology Quiz Questions And Answers

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Biology MCQs Online Quiz Test

Solved general biology practice test with answers online objective type science biology questions and answers mcqs biology 2nd year students for MCAT Preparations online. All molecular biology mcq with answers are also in these quiz exams tests.

Biology Solved MCQs Online Quiz Test

Biology MCQs Quiz Tests

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Biology MCQs With Answers For MCAT and Medical Jobs Interviews

Q.1: Loss of appetite due to the fear of becoming obese is--------- ?

  1. Anorexia nervosa
  2. Bulimia nervosa
  3. Piles
  4. Dyspepsia


Q.2: Foliose lichen are----------- ?

  1. Stem like
  2. Branching
  3. Leaf like
  4. Crust like


Q.3: An association in which fungal hyphae penetrate the outer cells of the plant root forming coils swellings and minute branches and also extend out into surrounding soil is called-------- ?

  1. Mycorrizael association
  2. Endomycorrhizae
  3. Ectomycorrhizae
  4. Lichen


Q.4: Fungi can tolerate pH from--------- ?

  1. 3-7
  2. 2-6
  3. 2-9
  4. 3-6


Q.5: Examples of Rhodophytes are-------- ?

  1. Chondrus
  2. Polysiphonia
  3. Both of these
  4. Pinnularia


Q.6: Stentor is a/an---------- ?

  1. Ciliate
  2. Foraniniferan
  3. Actinopods
  4. Apicomplexan


Q.7: Co-ordination in man is brought about by------ ?

  1. Nervous system
  2. Endocrine system
  3. Both of these
  4. none of these.


Q.8: Which of the followings is missing from the nervous system of planaria------- ?

  1. Ganglia
  2. Longitudinal nerves
  3. Lateral nerves
  4. none of these


Q.9: In which of the following pigments major energy reserves and cell wall are like plants ?

  1. Rhodophyta
  2. Chlorophyta
  3. Phaeophyta
  4. Chrysophyta


Q.10: Complex specialized flagellates living symbiotically in the gut of termites are-------- ?

  1. Trichonymphas
  2. Trypanosoma
  3. Euglena
  4. Radiolarians


Q.11: At the induction of action potential opening of Na+ gate with influx of Na+ is a ----------- processes ?

  1. Active transport
  2. Passive transport
  3. Diffusion
  4. none of these


Q.12: In which of the following pigments major energy reserves and cell wall are like plants ?

  1. Rhodophyta
  2. Chlorophyta
  3. Phaeophyta
  4. Chrysophyta


Q.13: All phostosynthetic euglenoids lose their chlorophyll when grown in dark and obtain their nutrients heterotrophically this statement is------- ?

  1. True
  2. False
  3. May be true may be false
  4. Unpredictable


Q.14: Stentor is a/an--------- ?

  1. Ciliate
  2. Foraniniferan
  3. Actinopods
  4. Apicomplexan


Q.15: Types of behaviour enabling pillbugs to reach moist area is------- ?

  1. Kinesis
  2. Taxes
  3. Instinct
  4. Learning


Q.16: The only group of algae having no flagellated motile cells at any stage is------ ?

  1. Chrysophyta
  2. Phaeophyta
  3. Pyrrophyta
  4. Rhodophyta


Q.17: Chemically auxins are--------- ?

  1. Indole propionic acid.
  2. Indole carboxylic acid.
  3. Indole acetaldehyde
  4. Indole acetic acid.


Q.18: The first cell of the sporophyte generation is----------- ?

  1. Oospore
  2. Spore mother cell
  3. Spore
  4. Gamete


Q.19: coli and example of entrobacteriace is important for causing diarrheal diseases its size is------ ?

  1. 0.1-600 um
  2. 100-200 nm
  3. 1.1-1.5 um (width) 2.0-6.0 um (length)
  4. 0.75-1.25 um


Q.20: Pinus Taxus and Picea belong to-------- ?

  1. Spheospsida
  2. Filicineae
  3. Gymnosperms
  4. Angiosperms


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