9th Biology Chapter 03 Biodiversity Solved MCQs

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Ninth Biology Question Answers MCQs
9th Biology MCQs Question Answers

Q.1: National animal of Pakistan is?
  1. Cow
  2. Goat
  3. Markhor
  4. None of these
Q.2: A related group of genera comprises?
  1. An order
  2. A family
  3. A class
  4. a phylum
Q.3: It is at the risk of becoming extinct because few members are left?
  1. Extinct
  2. Threatened
  3. Valnerable
  4. Endangered
Q.4: The bio diversity of any region depends on?
  1. Climate
  2. Altitude
  3. Soil and other species
  4. All of these
Q.5: ----------- is a group of related genre?
  1. Family
  2. Order
  3. Class
  4. Phylum
Q.6: Biodiversity means ?
  1. Variety with in a species
  2. Variety among the species
  3. Variety within a species and among the species
  4. None of these
Q.7: Five-kingdom classification of Whittaker was modified by?
  1. Margulis
  2. Schwarts
  3. E-Chatton
  4. Both A and B
Q.8: Important cause of species extinctions is?
  1. Habitat loss
  2. Deforestaion
  3. Over population
  4. Both a and b
Q.9: The protein envelope of a bacteriophageis called ------------?
  1. Capsid
  2. Cell wall
  3. Cell membrane
  4. All of above
Q.10: In which kingdom would you classify unicellular eukaryotes?
  1. Fungi and plantae
  2. Fungi and monera
  3. Only protista
  4. Only Fungi
Q.11: National animal of Pakistan is?
  1. Cow
  2. Goat
  3. Markhor
  4. None of these
Q.12: A related group of genera comprises?
  1. An order
  2. A family
  3. A class
  4. a phylum
Q.13: It is at the risk of becoming extinct because few members are left?
  1. Extinct
  2. Threatened
  3. Valnerable
  4. Endangered
Q.14: The bio diversity of any region depends on?
  1. Climate
  2. Altitude
  3. Soil and other species
  4. All of these
Q.15: ----------- is a group of related genre?
  1. Family
  2. Order
  3. Class
  4. Phylum
Q.16: Biodiversity means ?
  1. Variety with in a species
  2. Variety among the species
  3. Variety within a species and among the species
  4. None of these
Q.17: Five-kingdom classification of Whittaker was modified by?
  1. Margulis
  2. Schwarts
  3. E-Chatton
  4. Both A and B
Q.18: Important cause of species extinctions is?
  1. Habitat loss
  2. Deforestaion
  3. Over population
  4. Both a and b
Q.19: The protein envelope of a bacteriophageis called ------------?
  1. Capsid
  2. Cell wall
  3. Cell membrane
  4. All of above
Q.20: In which kingdom would you classify unicellular eukaryotes?
  1. Fungi and plantae
  2. Fungi and monera
  3. Only protista
  4. Only Fungi
Q.21: Viruses are not classified in any kingdom because?
  1. They are too poorly understood
  2. They are too small
  3. Their genetics cannot be determined
  4. They are not considered organisms
Q.22: In Pakistan the forest area is ------------?
  1. 2.5%
  2. 5.2%
  3. 6.5%
  4. 5.5%
Q.23: A certain organism is multicellular, adapted for photosynthesis, and has multicellular sex organs. To which kingdom does it belong?
  1. Animalia
  2. Fungi
  3. Plantae
  4. Protista
Q.24: Genus of Pea is?
  1. Homo
  2. Amanita
  3. Escherichia
  4. Pisum
Q.25: Organisms are classified in different groups on basis of characters?
  1. Similar
  2. Homologous
  3. Different
  4. Both a and b
Q.26: Which of the following may be the correct way of writing the scientific name of an organism?
  1. Canis lupis
  2. Saccharum
  3. Grant’s gazelle
  4. E.Coli
Q.27: How many children born in each each minute in the world?
  1. 100
  2. 150
  3. 180
  4. 200
Q.28: There are ------------- major kingdoms?
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5
Q.29: the first systematic classification was attempted by ----------?
  1. Carolus Linnaeus
  2. Aristotle
  3. Robert Whittaker
  4. None
Q.30: ------------ is the characters of kingdom?
  1. Heterotrophic `
  2. Chlorophyll
  3. Autotrophic
  4. All of them
Q.31: Felis leo is ------------?
  1. Cat
  2. Lion
  3. Tiger
  4. Deer
Q.32: Robert Whittaker classifies organism into ------------?
  1. Two kingdoms
  2. Five kingdoms
  3. Seven kingdoms
  4. Three kingdoms
Q.33: The ------------- name begins with a capital letter ?
  1. Generic
  2. Species
  3. Both a and b
  4. None
Q.34: How many kinds of organisms inhabit the earth?
  1. 1 million
  2. 5 million
  3. 10 million
  4. 10 billion
Q.35: The branch of biology which deals with classification and also traces the evolutionary history of organisms is known as?
  1. Taxonomy
  2. Systematic
  3. Genetics
  4. Histology
Q.36: The scientific name of wolf is ------------?
  1. Canis leo
  2. Canis domestica
  3. Canis lupus
  4. Canis religiosa
Q.37: The large omnivorous bird that flies to Pakistan in winter from former Sovier territory is?
  1. Chakor
  2. Houbara Bustard
  3. Kiwi
  4. Ostrich
Q.38: It is a group of related orders?
  1. Genus
  2. Class
  3. Species
  4. Family
Q.39: According to Binomial nomenclature the name of organism is composed of ------------- parts?
  1. Three
  2. Four
  3. Two
  4. One
Q.40: Three kingdom Classification system was proposed in?
  1. 1866
  2. 1937
  3. 1688
  4. 1788
Q.41: ------------- is the total variety of life on earth?
  1. Biological diversity
  2. Chemical divesity
  3. Physical diversity
  4. All of above
Q.42: viruses are not affected by ----------?
  1. PH
  2. Acidity
  3. Antibiotics
  4. High temperature
Q.43: Characteristics of fungi are ?
  1. Cellular eukaryotes
  2. Lack chlorophyll
  3. Heterotrophic
  4. All of the above
Q.44: Scientific name of Orchid tree is?
  1. Bauhinia variegate
  2. Allium cepa
  3. Pisum sativum
  4. Brassica campestris
Q.42: Viruses can be ------------?
  1. Seen
  2. Crystallized
  3. Store
  4. None
Q.43: Who published important work on plants classification?
  1. John Ray
  2. Andrea Caesalpino
  3. Tournefort
  4. Agustus Rivinu
Q.44: Closely related genera are grouped into ----------?
  1. Family
  2. Species
  3. Order
  4. Phyla
Q.45: All prokaryotic organisms are included in kingdom?
  1. Protista
  2. Monera
  3. Fungi
  4. Plantae
Q.46: The lowest taxon among the following is?
  1. Genera
  2. Class
  3. Order
  4. Families
Q.47: ------------ is the basis and smallest unit of classification?
  1. Family
  2. Order
  3. Species
  4. Genus
Q.48: The need of third kingdom protista raised due to?
  1. Presence of certain unicellular organisms
  2. Presence of plant like character
  3. Presence of animal like characters
  4. Presence of both animal and plant like characters
Q.49: Forests are the source of?
  1. Drugs
  2. Fuel
  3. Timber
  4. All of these
Q.50: Which of the following character is not related to Animalia?
  1. Eukaryotic
  2. Multicellular
  3. Hetrotrophs
  4. Autotrophs
Q.51: Phyla are grouped into ----------?
  1. Classes
  2. Family
  3. Kingdom
  4. Order
Q.52: Phylums are grouped into ------------?
  1. Phylum
  2. Order
  3. Class
  4. Kingdom
Q.53: Kingdom Monera include?
  1. Bacteria
  2. Euglena
  3. Fungi
  4. Plants
Q.54: Deforestation results in?
  1. Soil erosions
  2. Increased water storage capacity dams
  3. More humidity
  4. MOre clouds
Q.55: Which kingdom includes eukaryotic, multicellular and absorptive heterotrophs?
  1. Monera
  2. Protista
  3. Fungi
  4. Plantae
Q.56: Humans belong to a species called ----------?
  1. Homo
  2. Sapiens
  3. Both and b
  4. None of these
Q.57: Macro polo Sheep is found in?
  1. Khunjerab National park
  2. Plains
  3. India
  4. Indus Valley
Q.58: Fungi cannot be placed in plantae kingdom because?
  1. Fungi lack cell wall
  2. Fungi lack root, stem and leave
  3. Fungi lack chlorophyll
  4. Fungi do not store food
Q.59: Which one of the following is without nuclear membrane?
  1. Animilia
  2. Plantae
  3. Monera
  4. Protista
Q.60: In binomial nomenclature, the first letter of the -----name is capitalized?
  1. Family
  2. Class
  3. Species
  4. Genus
Q.61: Biodiversity is the source of?
  1. Food
  2. Fibers
  3. Rubber and oil
  4. All of these
Q.62: There are ------------ species of insect’s and invertibrates?
  1. 20,700 species
  2. 20,750 species
  3. 26,700 species
  4. 20,800 species
Q.63: The kinds of plants found in earth ?
  1. 0.1 million
  2. 0.3 million
  3. 0.5 million
  4. 1.0 million
Q.64: Viruses are assigned to the kingdom?
  1. Monera
  2. Protista
  3. Fungi
  4. None of these
Q.65: Families are grouped into ------------?
  1. Classes
  2. Phyla
  3. Order
  4. Species
Q.66: Basic unit of classification is?
  1. Genus
  2. Order
  3. Family
  4. Species
Q.67: The scientific of cat is ------------?
  1. Felis leo
  2. Felis Tigris
  3. Felis domestica
  4. Ficus domestica
Q.68: Felis Tigris is scientific name of ----------?
  1. Cat
  2. Lion
  3. Tiger
  4. Deer
Q.69: Doforestation by uncontrolled cutting of trees means danger of ------------?
  1. Green House effect
  2. Soil erosion
  3. Both a& b
  4. None
Q.70: Families are grouped into ------------?
  1. Family
  2. Order
  3. Class
  4. Phylum
Q.71: When the last member of a particular species dies, the species is said to be----?
  1. Established
  2. Extinct
  3. Threatened
  4. Endangered
Q.72: The kinds of animals found in earth ?
  1. 0.5 million
  2. 1.0 million
  3. 1.5 million
  4. 2 million
Q.73: Group of species having similar character is called ----------?
  1. Family
  2. Classes
  3. Genus
  4. Order
Q.74: -------------is the basic and smallest unit of classification?
  1. Species
  2. Genus
  3. Class
  4. Order
Q.75: Classes are grouped into ----------?
  1. Classes
  2. Phyla
  3. Family
  4. Order
Q.76: Classes are grouped into ----------?
  1. Phylaum
  2. Order
  3. Class
  4. Kingdom
Q.77: P.Sativum is the scientific name of?
  1. Onion
  2. Pea plant
  3. Mustard plant
  4. Fungi
Q.78: Members of the same species living in the same place is called?
  1. Habitat
  2. Biosphere
  3. Community
  4. Population
Q.79: There are about ------------ different kind of vertebrates on earth?
  1. 12,000,00
  2. 47,000
  3. 12,000
  4. 47,500
Q.80: Scientific name of dog is?
  1. Canis familiars
  2. Canis lupus
  3. Felis domesticus
  4. None
Q.81: The kingdom system was proposed by?
  1. Aristotle
  2. Robert Whittaker
  3. Carolus Linnaeus
  4. Both a & b
Q.82: Destruction of trees in unwise and unplanned manner is called ------------?
  1. Deforestation
  2. Reforestation
  3. Destruction
  4. Extension
Q.83: Cat’ lion and tiger belong to genus ------------?
  1. Felis
  2. Ficus
  3. Homo
  4. Tigris
Q.84: The endangered plants of Pakistan include?
  1. Taxus bacceta
  2. Pinus geradiana
  3. Juniperus
  4. All of above
Q.85: Cutting down of trees is known as?
  1. Habitat loss
  2. Deforestation
  3. Extinction
  4. None of these
Q.86: Viroids are composed of?
  1. RNA only
  2. DNA only
  3. Protein only
  4. Both RNA and protein
Q.87: Which one is not related to protista?
  1. Algae
  2. Protozoans
  3. Bacteria
  4. Fungi like organisms
Q.88: The kingdom protista includes?
  1. Unicellular and simple multicellular organisms with membrane bounded nucleus
  2. True multicellular organisms with no distinct membrane bounded nucleus
  3. True multicellular organisms with membrane bounded nucleus
  4. Unicellular organisms with no distinct membrane bounded nucleus
Q.89: There are ------------- million kinds of animals?
  1. 0.5
  2. 1
  3. 1.5
  4. 2
Q.90: Animals are ----------?
  1. Heterotrophy
  2. Autotrophy
  3. Chorophyll
  4. None
Q.91: Which one of the following sequences shows the correct hierarchy of classification, going from the smaller to the bigger group?
  1. Kingdom, phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, Species
  2. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
  3. Genus, Species, Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Family
  4. Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, Kingdom
Q.92: It is a group of related phyla?
  1. Kingdom
  2. Class
  3. Order
  4. Family
Q.93: Classification means the grouping of organisms on the basis of?
  1. How they feed
  2. The features they have in common
  3. How they respire
  4. How they can survive
Q.94: Which one is the national bird of Pakistan?
  1. Pigeon
  2. Ostrich
  3. Crow
  4. Chakor
Q.95: In which season Houbara bustard migrates to Pakistan and settles here?
  1. Summer
  2. Spring
  3. Autumn
  4. Winter
Q.96: The Generic is followed by ----------?
  1. Species name
  2. Family name
  3. Order name
  4. None
Q.97: Plants contain ----------?
  1. Colorophyll
  2. Chloroplast
  3. Both a and b
  4. None
Q.98: Binomial nomenclature was proposed by ------------?
  1. Linnaeus
  2. Aristotle
  3. Whittaker
  4. Al Jahiz
Q.99: Third kingdom i.e. protista was proposed by?
  1. Margulis
  2. Schwartz
  3. Ernst Hackel
  4. Tournefort
Q.100: Cellular organization is absent in?
  1. Viruses
  2. Bacteria
  3. Algae
  4. Protozoans
Q.101: The reasons for conserving biodiversity are --------?
  1. Provide medical plants
  2. Provide edible sources
  3. Prevent soil ersion
  4. All of above
Q.102: Species that are in the same------are more closely related then?
  1. Phylum.....class
  2. Family.....order
  3. Class... order
  4. Family.....genus
Q.103: ------------ classify animals?
  1. Linnaeus
  2. Aristotle
  3. Drawin
  4. None
Q.104: A certain organism is multicellular, adapted for photosynthesis, and has, multicellular sex organs, to which kingdom does it belong?
  1. Animal
  2. Fungi
  3. Plantae
  4. Protista
Q.105: Examples of protists are ------------?
  1. Protozoan
  2. Euglena
  3. Bacteria
  4. Bath a & b
Q.106: On what basis, organisms have been classified by biologists?
  1. Similarities
  2. Differences
  3. Both a and b
  4. Randomly
Q.107: There are more than ------------- million kinds of living organism?
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
Q.108: Euglena is included in kingdom?
  1. Monera
  2. Protista
  3. Fungi
  4. Plantae
Q.109: In Pakistan there are about ------------- kinds of plants?
  1. 3000
  2. 4000
  3. 5000
  4. 6000
Q.110: What is greatest threat to biodiversity on this planet?
  1. Habitat loss
  2. Deforestation
  3. Overpopulation
  4. B and C
Q.111: Species that are in same ------------ are more closely related than species that are in the same ------------?
  1. Phylum ...... Class
  2. Family.. Order
  3. Class.. Order
  4. Family...Genus
Q.112: Group of similar organism that interbreed and produce fertile off springs is ----------?
  1. Genus
  2. Species
  3. Phyla
  4. Order
Q.113: The size of a virus is ------------?
  1. 40-50 nm
  2. 20-40 nm
  3. 10-40 nm
  4. 30-50 nm
Q.114: It is a group of related classes?
  1. Phylum
  2. Class
  3. Species
  4. Family
Q.115: Classification means the grouping of organisms on the basis of?
  1. How they feed
  2. The features they have in common
  3. How they respire
  4. How they can survive
Q.116: Taxon of Order was introduced by?
  1. Carolous linnaeus
  2. John Ray
  3. Augustus Rivinus
  4. Aristole
Q.117: ------------- modified the Whittaker system?
  1. Aristotle
  2. Margulies
  3. Sachwartz
  4. Both a and b
Q.118: Kitab Al-Hayawan is the book of ------------?
  1. Aristotle
  2. Al Jahiz
  3. Whittaker
  4. Linnaeus
Q.119: The branch of biology which deals with classification of?
  1. Taxamony
  2. Systematic
  3. Boitany
  4. Genetics
Q.120: Chlamydomonas is an example of --------------?
  1. Monera
  2. Protista
  3. Fungi
  4. Plantae
Q.121: Biodiversity is richer in ?
  1. Tropics
  2. Temperate regions
  3. Polar regions
  4. Desert
Q.122: Which is composed of only protein?
  1. Viruses
  2. Prions
  3. Viroids
  4. B and C
Q.123: The characteristics of kingdom Monera are ------------?
  1. Unicellular
  2. Prokyrotes
  3. Simplest
  4. All of the above
Q.124: The scientific of pepal if ficus religiosa and that of rubber is ------------?
  1. Ficus bengalensis
  2. Ficus elastica
  3. Ficus domestica
  4. None
Q.125: The number of marine fish is 400 while fresh?
  1. 190
  2. 400
  3. 450
  4. 480
Q.126: Which one is is acellular?
  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungi
  3. Cyanobacteria
  4. Viruses
Q.127: The term wildlife covers ----------?
  1. All non-cultivated
  2. All non domesticated
  3. Both a & b
  4. None
    Q.128: ------------- have same number of chromosomes?
    1. Species
    2. Genus
    3. Family
    4. Phyla
    Q.129: The name in Binomial nomenclature are in -------------language?
    1. English
    2. Latin
    3. French
    4. German
    Q.130: The word virus is derived from Latin word ------------?
    1. Venomeq
    2. Bacter
    3. Venus
    4. Both a& b
    Q.131: Plants are classified on the basis of ------------?
    1. Environmental conditions
    2. Anatomy
    3. Colour of flowers
    4. All of the above
    Q.132: It is a group of related genera?
    1. Order
    2. Class
    3. Species
    4. Family
    Q.133: A species is a group of natural population which can?
    1. Interbreed and produce offsprings
    2. Interbreed in nature and produce offspring
    3. Interbreed and produce fertile offspring
    4. Interbreed in nature and produce fertile offspring
    Q.134: The reasons for deforestation are?
    1. Cities extension
    2. Over population
    3. Fuel purposes
    4. All of the above
    Q.135: Who divided living organisms into three kingdom Classification system?
    1. Linnaeus
    2. Aristotle
    3. John Ray
    4. Hackel
    Q.136: Loss of species makes ecosystem less ------------ and less productive?
    1. Beneficial
    2. Resilient
    3. Interactive
    4. None of these
    Q.137: The body of which organism consists only of RNA?
    1. Prions
    2. Viroids
    3. Viruses
    4. Algae
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