PPSC Past Papers MCQs For Teaching Educators Jobs Test Preparations

Solved MCQs online past papers Public Service Commission  Educators / Teaching jobs Most Repeated Question Answers MCQs for upcoming Exams preparations learn online here. All of these MCQs are helpful for upcoming exams of Public Service Commission tests.

PPSC MCQs Online Quiz Test
PPSC MCQs Educators Jobs Test MCQs

Learn objective type MCQs of educators Punjab teaching jobs tests by PPSC is here. All of these MCQs are helpful for your upcoming exams tests.

Q.1: The Battle of Badr was fought in the month of --------?
  1. Ramadan
  2. Shabraat
  3. Shahban
  4. None of These
Q.2: International Ozone Day is observed on September ------ ?
  1. 14
  2. 16
  3. 18
  4. None of These
Q.3: Unit of wave length of light is --------- ?
  1. Voleum
  2. Angstrom
  3. Air Length
  4. None of These
Q.4: Arabian Nights is written by -------- ?
  1. Sir Richard Buton
  2. Viliam Tom
  3. Michel Gorgen
  4. None of These
Q.5: Which State of USA was once a French colony?
  1. Louisiana
  2. Torinto
  3. Ebramonisa
  4. None of These
Q.6: Who was the last Governor of Hong Kong?
  1. Christopher Patten
  2. Richard North
  3. Michel Gorgeon
  4. None of These
Q.7: Greece is the only developed country to default on ------- loan?
  1. FIFA
  2. OIC
  3. ICC
  4. IMF
Q.8: Who discovered radium?
  1. Tom Micson
  2. John Michel
  3. Tommy Richard
  4. Pierre Curie and Marie Curie
Q.9: France is famous for which structure?
  1. Eiffel Tower
  2. Sea Port
  3. River Under Pass
  4. None of These
Q.10: One million cycles per second is called ----- ?
  1. Kilometerhartz
  2. Nanohartz
  3. Megahertz
  4. None of These
Q.11: Speed of light ------- kilometers per second?
  1. 200,001
  2. 300,222
  3. 700,198
  4. 300,000
Q.12: Combustion is a kind of -------?
  1. Oxidation reaction
  2. Hydroation
  3. Both of Above
  4. None of These
Q.13: Common wealth Day is observed on ------ every year?
  1. May 24
  2. April 22
  3. June 27
  4. None of These
Q.14: World Book Day is observed on -------- ?
  1. August 22
  2. May 13
  3. April 23
  4. None of These
Q.15: When was atomic bomb -dropped on Hiroshima?
  1. 1945
  2. 1933
  3. 1917
  4. None of These
Q.16: Speed of sound is faster in hot air than in ------?
  1. Cold air
  2. Hot Air
  3. Wind Air
  4. None of These
Q.17: When was the third battle of Ypres?
  1. 1988
  2. 1967
  3. 1917
  4. None of These
Q.18: Which country was annexed by Germany?
  1. Poland
  2. Island
  3. Iraq
  4. None of These
Q.19: Day against drug trafficking is observed on ---------?
  1. 4th December
  2. 21 April
  3. 26 June
  4. None of These
Q.20: Kashmir solidarity day is celebrajed the country on -------?
  1. 27th May
  2. 2nd March
  3. 5th February
  4. None of These
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