Zoology Competitive Exams MCQs With Answers Quiz Test

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Zoology MCQs

Zoology MCQs With Answers Quiz Test

Q.1: The old classification divided Gastropoda into three subclasses as prosobranchia, opisthobranchia and----?
  1. Pulmonata
  2. Nudibranchia
  3. Pelycopoda
  4. Omnibranchia
Q.2: Which of the following is a dihybrid condition?
  1. segregation
  2. independent assortment
  3. polygenic inheritance
  4. dominance
Q.3: Which of the following is an example of carnivores?
  1. Caterpillars
  2. Koalas
  3. Sea stars
  4. Sea cucumbers
Q.4: The genetic identity of a human male is determined by the-------?
  1. Cell organelles
  2. Nucleolus
  3. Autosome
  4. Sex chromosome
Q.5: Which of the following is the oldest fossil of a tetrapod--?
  1. Ichthyostega
  2. Sphenodon
  3. Latimeria
  4. Desmognathus
Q.6: Which of the following gland controls the metabolic rate in mammals---?
  1. Thyroid
  2. Pituitary
  3. Pancreas
  4. Testes
Q.7: A cross between AaBB and aaBB yields a genotypic ratio of--?
  1. All AaBB
  2. 1 AaBB : 1 aaBB.
  3. 1 AaBB : 3aaBB
  4. 2 AaBB : 3aaBB
Q.8: Which of the following statement is NOT correct about the flow of energy?
  1. Energy is used up in an ecosystem
  2. Energy flows from herbivores to carnivores
  3. energy travels in a one-way direction
  4. Main source of energy is Sun
Q.9: Which of the following concepts is attributed to Lamarckism?
  1. survival of the fittest
  2. struggle for existence
  3. All options
  4. inheritance of acquired characters
Q.10: Which of the following order of amphibia often produces spermatophores?
  1. Urodela
  2. Gymnophiona
  3. Apoda
  4. Anura
Q.11: The ambulacral grooves are located between the---?
  1. rows of dermal ossicles
  2. radial nerves
  3. layers of pedicellariae
  4. rows of tube feet
Q.12: Which of the following type of adult kidneys is found in amphibians?
  1. metanephric
  2. pronephric
  3. mesonephros
  4. anephric
Q.13: Which of the following pair shares a common ancestry trochophore larva?
  1. Mollusca-Cephalopoda
  2. Mollusca-Cnidaria
  3. Mollusca-Annelida
  4. Mollusca-Nematoda
Q.14: Gregor Mendel was successful in his study of genetics because he--?
  1. focused on each trait individually
  2. studied only one trait at a time
  3. All options
  4. analyzed the data he collected mathematically
Q.15: Which of the following vertebrate that survived at the end of the Late Devonian Period and possessed----?
  1. Feathers
  2. Countercurrent flow
  3. Lungs
  4. Gills
Q.16: The Association of animals which are benefited both the partners is known as----?
  1. Colony
  2. Commensalism
  3. Ammensalism
  4. Mutualism
Q.17: What is the ratio of F2 phenotypic in a genetic cross having recessive epistasis?
  1. 9 : 6 : 1
  2. 9 : 3 : 4
  3. 15 : 1
  4. 12 : 3 : 1
Q.18: Which of the following is NOT a correct association between pairs---?
  1. fossorial adaptations – Develops shoulder girdle
  2. cursorial adaptations – Limb bones elongated
  3. arboreal adaptations – Webbed feet
  4. volant adaptations – Fusion of certain bones
Q.19: Which of the following part of an aquatic ecosystem of the sea contains plankton?
  1. Upper
  2. Lower
  3. Bottom
  4. All options
Q.20: Which of the following mammals evolved from a group of carnivorous pelycosaurs?
  1. anurans
  2. labyrinthodonts
  3. therapsids
  4. theropods
Q.21: The difference between total photosynthesis and total rate of energy loss to metabolism and maintenance in an ecosystem is known as?
  1. Net primary productivity (NPP)
  2. Gross primary production (GPP)
  3. Total primary production (TPP)
  4. Net community productivity
Q.22: Which of the following factor drove giraffes towards elongating their necks and forelimbs are--?
  1. The need to eat and breed
  2. variation in these organs
  3. mutations in these organs
  4. Change in DNA
Q.23: The earliest therians most resembled with a----?
  1. Pig
  2. Squirrel
  3. Rat
  4. Beavers
Q.24: Which of the following class of animals are characterized by a globose or flattened skeleton known as a test and without arms?
  1. asteroidean
  2. ophiuroidea
  3. asteroidean
  4. echinoidea
Q.25: What percentage of the sunlight is actually converted into chemical energy via photosynthesis?
  1. 1 %
  2. 5 %
  3. 99 %
  4. 7 %
Q.26: How the cutaneous respiration is possible in the skin of amphibians?
  1. dry and richly vascularized
  2. dry skin
  3. wet skin
  4. dehydration
Q.27: Cross-pollination between red snapdragons and white snapdragons results in snapdragons of pink color; this is an example of--?
  1. incomplete dominance
  2. dominant-recessive
  3. hybrid
  4. complete dominance
Q.28: The Monoplacophora were known only from Paleozoic fossils and the living monoplacophorans which were discovered in 1957 known as--?
  1. Loligo
  2. Mopalia
  3. Neopilina
  4. Pedicularia
Q.29: Which of the following sweat glands are associated with hair?
  1. Posterior pituitary
  2. Adrenal
  3. Apocrine
  4. Pineal
Q.30: Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone is secreted by----?
  1. thymus
  2. ovary
  3. placenta
  4. thyroid
Q.31: Which of these groups of animals has no parasites--?
  1. Porifera
  2. Echinodermata
  3. nematode
  4. Platyhelminthes
Q.32: The adaptive radiation of mammals occurred mostly during which era?
  1. Jurassic era
  2. Triassic era
  3. Cenozoic era
  4. Cretaceous era
Q.33: Which of the following alternative name is used for Lamprey larvae?
  1. trilobite larva
  2. tornaria
  3. ammocoetes
  4. veliger
Q.34: Which of the following molluscs are small (1–30 mm), worm-like, having no shells and sclerites for movement?
  1. solenogastres
  2. caudofoveata
  3. monoplacophora
  4. polyplacophora
Q.35: Which of the following is the most common cause of goiters worldwide?
  1. overproduction of sugar
  2. lack of vitamin D
  3. lack of vitamin A
  4. lack of iodine
Q.36: Fertilizin is a chemical substance produced from which of the following?
  1. polar bodies
  2. acrosome
  3. middle piece of sperm
  4. mature eggs
Q.37: The stomach many echinoderms have two parts known as----?
  1. cardiac and pyloric
  2. enzymatic and cecal
  3. cecal and cardiac
  4. pyloric and enzymatic
Q.38: Torsion is a process that rotates the--------------- 180˚with respect to the head and foot of the gastropod?
  1. Mantle
  2. Visceral mass
  3. Surface
  4. Shell
Q.39: The modern agnathans may be characterized by--?
  1. All options
  2. absence of paired fins
  3. presence of a notochord
  4. seven or more paired gill pouches
Q.40: A rasping structure covered with chitinous teeth which are used for feeding in most molluscs is--?
  1. Odontophore
  2. Mouth
  3. Mantle cavity
  4. Radula
Q.41: Which of the following type of placenta is present in humans?
  1. endothelial
  2. haemochorial
  3. epitheliochorial
  4. syndesmochorial
Q.42: Why the desert animals confine their activities during the night time?
  1. problem of conservation of water during the day time
  2. can see well during the night
  3. get sufficient food during night time
  4. less competition for food during the daytime
Q.43: The agnathans and gnathostomes branched apart most likely during which period---?
  1. Silurian period
  2. Cambrian period
  3. Devonian period
  4. Jurassic period
Q.44: Groups of animals with the cellular or unicellular body are----?
  1. Cnidaria
  2. Porifera
  3. Protozoa
  4. Eumetazoa
Q.45: In which of the following book Lamarck’s theory of organic evolution was published in 1809?
  1. Histoire Naturelle
  2. Principles of Geology
  3. Systema Naturae
  4. Philosophie zoologique
Q.46: Choose the correct sequence of zonation in the lentic environment?
  1. Profundal zone, Sub-littoral zone, Littoral zone
  2. Littoral zone, Sub-littoral zone, Profundal zone
  3. Profundal zone, Littoral zone , Sub-littoral zone
  4. Sub-littoral zone, Littoral zone, Profundal zone
Q.47: Which of the following is the most common cause of Cushing Syndrome?
  1. Iodine deficiency
  2. Coronary artery
  3. Adenoma
  4. Down syndrome
Q.48: Which of the following facts make Lamarck's theory weak?
  1. the giraffe’s neck has gradually grown longer
  2. ears pierced since ages but not inherited
  3. trees of high altitudes have sloppy branches
  4. some birds have webbing between their toes
Q.49: Which of the following fish may be characterized as eel-like, parasitic and funnel-like sucking mouth?
  1. lamprey
  2. chimera
  3. hag fish
  4. ostracoderm
Q.50: When heterozygous tall (Tt) mates with homozygous recessive dwarf (tt). The result will be--?
  1. 100% recessive
  2. 25% recessive
  3. 75% recessive
  4. 50% recessive
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