Everyday Science PPSC Past Papers Important MCQs Quiz

 In every job test of PPSC Everyday Science is the most important part of test. You can here learn online solved objective type MCQs Quiz Test with Answers Public Service Commission Most repeated jobs tests MCQs. All of these MCQs are helpful for Preparations of Jobs Tests and Interviews.

Everyday Scinece MCQs

PPSC Everyday Science Online Quiz Test

Q.1: Choose the correct SI unit of Momentum?
  1. kilogram meters per second
  2. kilogram per cubic meter
  3. Newton-second
  4. Square Meter
Q.2: ------chemical are used to kill weeds?
  1. Pesticides
  2. Insecticides
  3. All Options
  4. Herbicides
Q.3: Boiling of an egg is an example of-------------?
  1. Chemical Change
  2. Physical Change
  3. All Options
  4. Both physical and chemical change
Q.4: Which one of the following is the basic characteristic of living organism is?
  1. Metabolism
  2. Respiration
  3. Digestion
  4. Photosynthesis
Q.5: We can change ice from one state to another by changing------------?
  1. Frequency
  2. Temperature
  3. Water Molecules
  4. Momentum
Q.6: The telephone was invented by-------------?
  1. Graham Bell
  2. Newton
  3. Charles Babbage
  4. Einstein
Q.7: We can store information permanently in?
  1. Hard Disks
  2. All options
  3. CD/DVD
  4. Memory cards
Q.8: Which of the following instrument is used to measure the amount of water in milk?
  1. Milkmeter
  2. Hygrometer
  3. Lactometer
  4. Barometer
Q.9: We can send data from one place to another through?
  1. All options
  2. Radio waves
  3. Light signals
  4. Electrical signals
Q.10: Plants which grow on other plants are known as?
  1. Parasites
  2. Algae
  3. Fungi
  4. Epiphytes
Q.11: Humans belong to which of the following family?
  1. Pesticides
  2. Hominids
  3. Felidae
  4. Mamminids
Q.12: The cooking of an egg is an example of-------------?
  1. All Options
  2. Physical Change
  3. Chemical Change
  4. Both physical and chemical change
Q.13: Total number of bones in a grown man is about?
  1. 206
  2. 200
  3. 270
  4. 106
Q.14: The primary raw material for ceramics is?
  1. Clay
  2. Sand
  3. Stone
  4. Crystals
Q.15: Total number of bones in human body at the time of birth?
  1. 270
  2. 106
  3. 170
  4. 206
Q.16: The basic building blocks of matter are known as?
  1. Atoms
  2. Nucleus
  3. Isotopes
  4. Molecules
Q.17: ---------is the physical and logical representation of a natural process or ideas?
  1. Scientific method
  2. Scientific inquiry
  3. Scientific theory
  4. Scientific model
Q.18: Which of the following mathematician presented the first idea of linear and quadratic equations?
  1. Ibn al Haytham
  2. Omar Khayyam
  3. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi
  4. Al Biruni
Q.19: Choose the correct example of Frugivore?
  1. Grey Parrot
  2. Giraffes
  3. Squirrels
  4. Cattle
Q.20: The nervous system consists of which of the following parts?
  1. Brain and heart
  2. Brain, spinal cord and nerves
  3. Heart and nerves
  4. Brain and spinal cord
Q.21: Which of the following scientist was given the title of “father of Experimental Surgery”?
  1. Ibn al Haytham
  2. Ibn Zuhr
  3. Omar Khayyam
  4. Al Biruni
Q.22: Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz independently developed the foundations of-------------?
  1. Calculus
  2. Science
  3. Philosophy
  4. Physics
Q.23: Human red blood cells are also known as?
  1. All Options
  2. Red cells
  3. Erythrocytes
  4. Red blood corpuscles
Q.24: Choose the correct example of Insectivore?
  1. Opossum
  2. Lizard
  3. All Options
  4. Frog
Q.25: The part of the eye which receives light and sends neural signals to the brain is known as?
  1. Iris
  2. Lens
  3. Retina
  4. Nervous system
Q.26: Choose the correct example of Carnivore?
  1. All Options
  2. Sharks
  3. Lions
  4. Eagles
Q.27: Choose the correct example of Omnivore?
  1. Domestic Pig
  2. All Options
  3. Bear
  4. Raccoon
Q.28: Which of the following scientist was given the title of “father of modern physics”?
  1. Omar Khayyam
  2. Al Biruni
  3. Galileo Galilei
  4. Ibn al Haytham
Q.29: Choose the correct example of Herbivore?
  1. All Options
  2. Rabbit
  3. Giraffes
  4. Cattle
Q.30: The process of evaporation from the plant leaves or stem is known as?
  1. Evaporation
  2. Respiration
  3. Transpiration
  4. Photosynthesis
Q.31: Which of the following blood cells defends the human body against viruses?
  1. Red cells
  2. Yellow blood cells
  3. White blood cells
  4. Red blood corpuscles
Q.32: Ocean tides are generated by the?
  1. The potential energy of water
  2. The centripetal force between the Earth and the Moon
  3. The gravitational interaction between Mars and the Sun
  4. The gravitational interaction between the Earth and the Moon
Q.33: Choose correct definition of a light-year?
  1. The distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year.
  2. The distance that light travels from the moon to earth in one year
  3. The distance that light travels from the sun to earth.
  4. The distance that light travels from the moon to earth
Q.34: In which of the following atmosphere layer communication satellite are located?
  1. Stratosphere and Troposphere
  2. Thermosphere and Exosphere
  3. Mesosphere and Exosphere
  4. All Options
Q.35: Our Sun belongs to which of the following category?
  1. Yellow Dwarf
  2. Galaxy
  3. Red Dwarf
  4. Supernova
Q.36: Direction of electric current flow from?
  1. Positive to the negative terminal
  2. Higher to lower voltage
  3. Higher to lower potential
  4. All Options
Q.37: --------is the unit of length used to measure astronomical distances?
  1. Electric Current
  2. Temperature
  3. Light Year
  4. Space Year
Q.38: What causes the Earth’s seasons to change?
  1. The tilt of the Mars axis causes the seasons to change
  2. The Earth’s tilt causes the seasons to change
  3. The gravitational interaction between Mars and the Sun
  4. Potential energy of water
Q.39: The efficiency of a machine is always less than 100% because of?
  1. Friction
  2. Gravitational force
  3. Quality of Machine
  4. The gravitational force of Earth
Q.40: How long it takes the earth to complete one rotation on its axis?
  1. About 24 hours
  2. About 23 hours
  3. About 25 hours
  4. About 20 hours
Q.41: The sun generates energy by----------?
  1. Converting Nitrogen atoms into helium
  2. Converting Helium atoms into molecules of Hydrogen
  3. Converting Hydrogen atoms into molecules of Helium
  4. Converting Oxygen atom into molecules of helium
Q.42: Our Sun belongs to which of the following galaxy?
  1. Milky Way Galaxy
  2. Messier 82
  3. Andromeda Galaxy
  4. Whirlpool Galaxy
Q.43: Which of the following cells transport oxygen in the human blood?
  1. Red blood cells
  2. Yellow blood cells
  3. All Options
  4. White blood cells
Q.44: Most of the communication satellites are in which of the following orbit?
  1. Geostationary orbit
  2. Geosynchronous orbit
  3. Polar orbit
  4. Equatorial orbit
Q.45: Computer essential memory RAM stands for?
  1. Random Access Memory
  2. Read Access Memory
  3. Right Access Memory
  4. Ready Access Memory
Q.46: Why we weigh less on the surface of the moon as compared to Earth?
  1. The potential energy of water
  2. Due to the less gravitational force of Mars
  3. Due to the less gravitational force of Moon
  4. Due to the less gravitational force of Earth
Q.47: Fear of spiders is known as------------?
  1. Arachnophobia
  2. Androphobia
  3. Equinophobia
  4. Chionophobia
Q.48: Fear of failure is known as------------?
  1. Atychiphobia
  2. Equinophobia
  3. Bacteriophobia
  4. Chionophobia
Q.49: Fear of angina or choking is known as------------?
  1. Equinophobia
  2. Chionophobia
  3. Androphobia
  4. Anginophobia
Q.50: Fear of crowed is known as------------?
  1. Androphobia
  2. Agoraphobia
  3. Achluophobia
  4. Ataxophobia
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