English Grammar Sentence Correction MCQs Quiz Test

 English Grammar Sentence Correction Online MCQs Quiz Test Practice For Aptitude MCQs Questions with solved answers online Practice. Most important objective type question answers for PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, SPSC, KPPSC and other entry tests exams Preparations. Learn online Sentence Correction Multiple Choice Quizzes for Competitive exams preparations online here.

English Grammar Sentence Correction
English Grammar MCQs With Answers

English Grammar Sentence Correction Quiz Test MCQs With Answers

Q.1: One of the most effective way of learning is----------- ?
  1. repeat
  2. Repetition
  3. with repeat
  4. Cram
Q.2: Islamabad-------------very cold weather?
  1. has
  2. is
  3. being
  4. having
Q.3: When Aslam was one year old, without any help he was able--------and even walk a little bit?
  1. to sit
  2. sit down
  3. to be sit
  4. sitting
Q.4: -----------is a natural source of energy for humans ?
  1. Water
  2. The water
  3. Waters
  4. A water
Q.5: Every child must be given Polio vaccine so that our children would-------in a polio-free Pakistan?
  1. grew
  2. grew up
  3. grow up
  4. grown-up
Q.6: The students--------a lot of smartphones because the technology is becoming cheaper day by day ?
  1. must buying
  2. must buy
  3. must have bought
  4. must be buying
Q.7: Taimur finished---------of his published book well before his exams ?
  1. Written
  2. Write
  3. Righting
  4. Writing
Q.8: To check the voltage of electricity one had better----------multimeter ?
  1. to use
  2. using
  3. use
  4. used
Q.9: Before the Muslims--------Indian subcontinent, the Rajputs had ruled there ?
  1. To come
  2. Come
  3. Has came
  4. Came
Q.10: If you have cavities the best solution is---------your teeth by a dentist ?
  1. fill
  2. To fill
  3. to be filled
  4. filling up
Q.11: Professional contractors insist on---------- high-quality material for the construction of the bridge?
  1. use
  2. Using
  3. Used
  4. to use
Q.12: It is very important---------the traffic signals in such a way as to best accommodate the flow of traffic?
  1. Planed
  2. To plan
  3. Plan
  4. Planning
Q.13: Some historians think that if Hitler had not invaded Russia during World War-II he-------the whole world ?
  1. Is conquered
  2. Conquered
  3. Would have conquered
  4. Had conquered
Q.14: During the degree of Information Technology it is understood that students will-----basic online skills like freelancing and web development ?
  1. Learn how
  2. Learn
  3. Learning
  4. To learn
Q.15: A characteristic of radioisotopes is that----------decaying occurs in half-lives ?
  1. They
  2. Their
  3. to their
  4. there
Q.16: Being online----------a necessity for freelancers ?
  1. has become
  2. had become
  3. becoming
  4. is became
Q.17: Drug developers had hoped that the new vaccine--------to be a cure for Corona Virus COVID-19 ?
  1. be proved
  2. would proving
  3. would prove
  4. will prove
Q.18: You must do an IT degree if you want to have a career in------- ?
  1. Freelancing
  2. A freelancing
  3. To freelancing
  4. The freelancing
Q.19: Many Psychologists have recommended-----------to remember names ?
  1. to use mental images
  2. using mental images
  3. use mental images
  4. to used mental images
Q.20: A desert is any place which---------an average annual precipitation of less than 250 mm?
  1. receive
  2. Received
  3. receives
  4. Is receive
Q.21: Guitar tones---------due to the string vibrations ?
  1. are produced
  2. to produce
  3. Is produced
  4. be produce
Q.22: Aslam and Akram helped------------ ?
  1. eachothers
  2. Each other
  3. to another
  4. each and other
Q.23: It is our duty to make our------------ones happy?
  1. near and dear
  2. near and loved
  3. dear and near
  4. nears and dears
Q.24: Even as a newbie in the online business, he knew that he---------in life?
  1. Would succeeding
  2. Succeed
  3. Is succeed
  4. would succeed
Q.25: Fire-resistant materials are used to retard----------of a modern cruise ship in case of accidents?
  1. Damage to the passenger cabin
  2. A damage to the passenger cabin
  3. Of damage to the passenger cabin
  4. The damage to the passenger cabin
Q.26: ---------liquid fuels are derived from the fossil fuels ?
  1. The almost
  2. Most of
  3. The most
  4. Most of the
Q.27: The people who---------from Schizophrenia may experience hallucinations ?
  1. Is suffering
  2. Did suffering
  3. Are suffering
  4. Suffered
Q.28: Water-----------at 32° Fahrenheit and boils at 212°F ?
  1. freeze
  2. frozen
  3. freezes
  4. freezing
Q.29: The terms "mass" and "weight" are used interchangeably but technically the mass is not always-------weight?
  1. The same as
  2. as similar
  3. as same
  4. similar
Q.30: String instruments can be-------in many ways ?
  1. Being played
  2. Played
  3. Play
  4. Playing
Q.32: The Coronavirus is actually----------to be seen by the naked eye ?
  1. much small
  2. such small
  3. too small
  4. so small
Q.33: The-----------is not a new idea ?
  1. plan is send a human to the moon
  2. Sending humans to moon to plan
  3. plan of sending humans to the moon
  4. planning sending to the moon
Q.34: Those who think other people don't like them will----------to get angry with others?
  1. too likely
  2. more likely
  3. more like
  4. as more likely
Q.35: Hush Puppies shoes are----------they have become the most popular choice for men ?
  1. such versatile and durable that
  2. so versatile and durable than
  3. so versatile and durable that
  4. so versatile and durable this
Q.36: You should not go outside as it-------raining since morning ?
  1. Had been
  2. has
  3. has been
  4. have been
Q.37: Water is a universal solvent it can dissolve a variety of different materials which is why it is---------- ?
  1. such as good solvent
  2. as a good solvent
  3. such a good solvent
  4. such good solvent
Q.38: Our house is-----------the bookshop ?
  1. in front of
  2. in front
  3. on front of
  4. into front of
Q.39: If she had been able to play well we---------won the match easily ?
  1. would had
  2. would has
  3. will have
  4. would have
Q.40: There has been----------in the population of Pakistan over the past five years ?
  1. alarming increase
  2. an alarming increase
  3. the alarming increase
  4. a alarming increase
Q.41: The Empire state building in New York-------to more than one hundred stories ?
  1. rises
  2. rise
  3. arise
  4. roses
Q.42: They-------finished watching movies when the doorbell rang ?
  1. has been
  2. have
  3. has
  4. had
Q.43: He has not eaten a---------for the past 5 hours since he has been traveling?
  1. All Options
  2. taste
  3. morsel
  4. moral
Q.44: According to the Pakistan census 2017, the birth rate of males in Pakistan is---------females?
  1. that of
  2. than that of
  3. more of
  4. more than that of
Q.45: He did not-----------to Govt. warnings about the Coronavirus and lost his life ?
  1. pay head
  2. to pay heed
  3. pay heed
  4. pay back
Q.46: What do you think you are------out there ?
  1. do
  2. to doing
  3. did
  4. doing
Q.47: How many votes----------in favor of Transgender Act ?
  1. will been cast
  2. will has been cast
  3. will have been cast
  4. would has been
Q.48: Most people in Galileo's time believed that-------------and that the planets revolved around it ?
  1. the Earth have the center of the universe
  2. the Earth has the center of the universe
  3. an Earth is the center of the universe
  4. the Earth was the center of the universe
Q.49: The wrestler--------his training and became the world champion ?
  1. of continued
  2. continual
  3. continue
  4. continued
Q.50: This movie clip was shot in one---------take ?
  1. Continual way
  2. Continuously
  3. continuous
  4. Continually
Q.51: You need to be able----------without relying on canal water ?
  1. to irrigates
  2. of irrigate
  3. to irrigated
  4. to irrigate
Q.52: Your project may not begin to-----------for at least one years ?
  1. Bears fruit
  2. bear fruits
  3. beard fruit
  4. bear fruit
Q.53: Some kinds of mushrooms are edible-------Button, Chanterelle and Shiitake ?
  1. as like
  2. like as
  3. such as
  4. such like
Q.54: She will not get a promotion until she-----------here as long as Zoya ?
  1. is been working
  2. been working
  3. has been working
  4. have been working
Q.55: Iron----------to make household tools in the Stone Age ?
  1. is generally used
  2. has generally used
  3. used generally
  4. was generally used
Q.56: The new and improved school books are available we allow---------to get a quality education ?
  1. our child
  2. our children
  3. their child
  4. the children
Q.57: The police and army are meant to-----------made by the Govt. to save the citizens from Coronavirus ?
  1. enforce a law
  2. enforced the law
  3. enforce of law
  4. enforce the law
Q.58: Aslam----------police protection after Akram threatened to kill him ?
  1. asked of
  2. asking for
  3. asked for
  4. ask for
Q.59: We should------------to Allah’s will and live a happy life ?
  1. bow in submission
  2. bow on submission
  3. bow of submission
  4. bow in submit
Q.60: Every year Muslims around the world--------a halal animal to commemorate Ibrahim's sacrifice ?
  1. is slaughtered
  2. slaughtered
  3. slaughter
  4. slaughtering
Q.61: If Ali had driven more carefully, he----------killed?
  1. would will not been
  2. would had not been
  3. will have not been
  4. would not have been
Q.62: I don't play paid video games, except-----that are free to play ?
  1. Ones
  2. its
  3. for
  4. one
Q.63: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. She was afraid that she would fall down from the swing
  2. She was afraid that she is fall down from the swing
  3. She is afraid that she would fall down from the swing
  4. She was afraid that she will fall down from the swing
Q.64: ----------her sickness, Zoya didn't go to the School ?
  1. Because of
  2. Because on
  3. Because off
  4. Because in
Q.65: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. The Coronavirus patient was sure that he will recover
  2. The Coronavirus patient was sure that he would recover
  3. The Coronavirus patient was sure that he has recover
  4. The Coronavirus patient is sure that he would recover
Q.66: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. You must stay away for bad company
  2. You must keep away from bad company
  3. You must stay out from bad company
  4. You must stay away from bad company
Q.67: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. The donkey reared and the rider was thrown
  2. The donkey rear and the rider was thrown
  3. The donkey rearing and the rider was thrown
  4. The donkey reared and the rider is thrown
Q.68: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. Algae are found wherever there are enough moisture
  2. Algae are found ever there are enough moisture
  3. Algae is found wherever there is enough moisture
  4. Algae are found wherever there is enough moisture
Q.69: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. People show anger more quick when they are sad?
  2. People showed anger more quickly when they are sad?
  3. People show more anger more quickly when they are sad?
  4. People show anger more quickly when they are sad?
Q.70: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. Yesterday she saw a garden where she wants to sit
  2. Yesterday she saw a garden where she wanted to sit
  3. Yesterday she see a garden where she wanted to sit
  4. Yesterday she saw a garden where she will wanted to sit
Q.71: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. Skardu have very cold weather
  2. Skardu is a very cold weather
  3. Skardu has very cold weather
  4. Skardu having a very cold weather
Q.72: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. She was continually late on work
  2. She was continually late at work
  3. She was continually late for work
  4. She was continuous late for work
Q.73: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. She’s almost tall as, as me
  2. She’s almost as tall as me
  3. She’s almost as tall as to me
  4. She’s almost as tall as well me
Q.74: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. The police are meant to enforce the laws made by the Govt?
  2. The police are meant to enforcing the laws made by the Govt?
  3. The police is meant to enforce the laws made by the Govt?
  4. The police are meant to enforced the laws made by the Govt?
Q.75: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. You have going to be kidding me
  2. You have get to be kidding me
  3. You have got to be kidding me
  4. You have got to kidding me
Q.76: Choose the correct sentence from the following ?
  1. She came often that we expect
  2. She came often then we expect
  3. She came often thus we expect
  4. She came often than we expect
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