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Past Papers Pakistan Studies Question Answers

Q.1: Which article in the 1973 constitution deals with Jammu & Kashmir ?

  1. 230
  2. 240
  3. 245
  4. 257


Q.2: Muhammad-Bin-Tughlaq was proficient in--------- ?

  1. Art
  2. Music
  3. Calligraphy
  4. Philosophy


Q.3: Who was first appointed Nazim of Nadva-ul-ulema in 1883------- ?

  1. Maulana Shibli
  2. Maulvi Abdul Ghafoor
  3. Maulana Syed Muhammad Ali
  4. None of these


Q.4: Karoonjhar Mountains are located in-------- ?

  1. Khairpur
  2. Thatta
  3. Sanghar
  4. Tharparkar
  5. None of these


Q.5: Indus civilisation developed around --------- ?

  1. 2800BC
  2. 2900BC
  3. 3000BC
  4. 3100BC


Q.6: Who is the Civilian Commander-In-Chief of Pakistan Armed forces ?

  1. Cheif Justice of Pakistan
  2. President of Pakistan
  3. Prime Minister of Pakistan
  4. Speaker of National Asembly


Q.7: In 2016 about ------- Afghans were sent back by Pakistan ?

  1. 2 lac
  2. 4 lac
  3. 6 lac
  4. 8 lac


Q.8: National Finance Commission Award (NFC) was Constituted under which Article of the Constitution ?

  1. 160
  2. 170
  3. 180
  4. 190


Q.9: When PCB Pakistan Cricket Board affiliated to ICC ?

  1. 28 July 1948
  2. 28 July 1950
  3. 28 July 1952
  4. 28 July 1954


Q.10: Under which scheme did Muslim league surrender the demand of separate electorate for the Muslims ?

  1. Delhi Proposal 1927
  2. Patna Scheme 1938
  3. Poona Pact
  4. Never Surrender


Q.11: Sassui Pannuh is Sindhi Story Sassui is Known as-------- ?

  1. Girl of Sorrows
  2. Queen of Beauty
  3. Princess of Hope
  4. None of these


Q.12: The Badshahi Mosque of Lahore was Built by Aurangzeb in------- ?

  1. 1532
  2. 1630
  3. 1631
  4. 1673


Q.13: In Which Year Supreme Court of Pakistan imposed ban on Basant festival ?

  1. 2004
  2. 2005
  3. 2007
  4. 2009


Q.14: Which district of Sindh is called Sugar State due to Production of Sugar ?

  1. Mirpur Khas
  2. Badin
  3. Jamshoro
  4. Larkana


Q.15: Muslim League was founded on --------- by Nawab Salim Ullah Khan in Dhaka Bangladesh ?

  1. Dec 30 1906
  2. Sept 11 1906
  3. Dec 25 1906
  4. Sept 28 1906


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Pakistan Studies Objective Type Question Answers

Q.1: Who was appointed first secretary of the Board of Trustees of Aligarh College ?

  1. Syed Muhammad
  2. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
  3. Hakeem Ajmal khan
  4. Nawab Viqar-ul-malik


Q.2: Urdu translation of Shah latif Jo Risalo was made by ?

  1. Shaikh ayaz
  2. Makhdoom Bilal
  3. DR Nabi Bux Baloch
  4. No one did in Urdu .


Q.3: Dr. Begum Ashraf Abbasi 1st Lady Deputy Speaker of Pakistan belongs to ?

  1. Hyderabad
  2. Islamabad
  3. Larkana
  4. Karachi


Q.4: Who was the first PM of Pakistan hanged to death ?

  1. Liaquat Ali Khan
  2. Choudary Muhammad Ali
  3. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
  4. None of these


Q.5: The white strip in the flag of Pakistan represents -------- ?

  1. Minorities
  2. Muslim Majority
  3. Both A&B
  4. None of the Above


Q.6: The first Muslim to serve as a High Court judge in the British Raj was-------- ?

  1. Syed Mahmood
  2. Badruddin Tyabji
  3. Syed Ameer Ali
  4. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan


Q.7: When Sir Stafford Cripps announced his formula to seek the co-operation between the National Congress and Muslim League------ ?

  1. March 301940
  2. March 301944
  3. March 301942
  4. None of these


Q.8: Which organization is considered the first Muslim political body continued to represent the Muslims of the subcontinent as a whole----- ?

  1. Anjuman-e-Mussalmanan-e-Hind
  2. Central National Mohammadan Association
  3. Urdu Defence Association
  4. None of these


Q.9: The Hasni tribe is settled in-------- ?

  1. Southern Punjab
  2. Western Baluchistan
  3. Central Sindh
  4. None of these


Q.10: Anjuman-e-Islamia Punjab was founded for the renaissance of Islam in the year----- ?

  1. 1849
  2. 1859
  3. 1869
  4. None of these


Q.11: NA stands for -------- ?

  1. National Army
  2. National Academy
  3. National Assembly
  4. National Assets


Q.12: The constituency of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly is called ------ ?

  1. PS
  2. PP
  3. PB
  4. PK


Q.13: How many prime ministers of Pakistan have completed a full five-year tenure after winning the general elections ?

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. None


Q.14: Independent candidates got -------- votes in the 2013 general elections ?

  1. 4.8 million
  2. 5.8 million
  3. 6.8 million
  4. 7.8 million
  5. 8.8 million


Q.15: How many sources of rainfall are in Pakistan ?

  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 4


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Pakistan Studies Topics MCQs Test Presentation

Q.1: First martial law in Pakistan was imposed in ?

  1. 1960
  2. 1956
  3. 1958
  4. 1965


Q.2: The Indus Waters Treaty water-distribution treaty between India and Pakistan brokered by the ?

  1. International Monetary Fund
  2. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  3. World Bank
  4. NATO


Q.3: First Museum of Pakistan established in Karachi on ?

  1. 17 April 1951
  2. 17 April 1950
  3. 17 May 1950
  4. 25 April 1950


Q.4: Who founded Muhammadan Literary Society in 1863 ?

  1. Shah Waliullah Dehlawi
  2. Syed Ameer Ali
  3. Nawab Abdul Latif
  4. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan


Q.5: What is Chandragup ?

  1. Famous Personality
  2. Food Item
  3. Tree
  4. Mud Volcano
  5. Star Name


Q.6: Zardak is the highest peak of------- ?

  1. Karakoram range
  2. Sulaiman range
  3. Kirthar range
  4. Hindukush range


Q.7: Mughal painting reached its zenith under---------- ?

  1. Jahangir
  2. Shahjahan
  3. Humayun
  4. Akbar


Q.8: In which of the following years the Battle of Buxar was fought --------- ?

  1. 1757
  2. 1767
  3. 1764
  4. 1762


Q.9: When Pakistan introduced National Identity cards (NIC)------- ?

  1. 1948
  2. 1957
  3. 1963
  4. 1973


Q.10: Which one is the country to use China based system made by BeiDou GPS can help with urban planning surveying and mapping environmental supervision disaster relief efforts traffic monitoring and other fields ?

  1. Uruguay
  2. Italy
  3. Brazil
  4. Pakistan


Q.11: The ruler of which one of the following States was removed from power by the British on the pretext of misgovernance ?

  1. Jhansi
  2. Awadh
  3. Satara
  4. Nagpur


Q.12: The interim Government was formed in 1946. Who was the Prime Minister------- ?

  1. Pandit Nehru
  2. F.M. Lord Wavel
  3. Liaquat Ali Khan
  4. None of the above


Q.13: The book Indian Musalmans published in 1871 was written by --------- ?

  1. Joseph Rudyard Kipling
  2. Syed Ameer Ali
  3. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  4. William Wilson Hunter


Q.14: The Great Bath of the Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in-------- ?

  1. Harappa
  2. Lothal
  3. Mohenjodaro
  4. Ropar


Q.15: Pakistan got status of Test-Cricket in----- ?

  1. 1950
  2. 1951
  3. 1952
  4. 1953


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National Testing Service Pakistan Studies MCQs

Q.1: First Television station was setup at Lahore on ?

  1. December 26 1964
  2. September 27 1964
  3. October 14 1964
  4. November 26 1964


Q.2: The foundation stone of the Sikhism’s holiest place Golden Temple at Amritsar was laid by-------- ?

  1. Guru Nanak
  2. Bal dev Singh
  3. Hari dev Singh
  4. Hazrat Mian Mir


Q.3: The area of Islamabad before declaration as the capital of Pakistan was known by the name of---------- ?

  1. Suri Nagar
  2. Raj Shahi
  3. Gandhara
  4. None of These


Q.4: Which one of the following observations is not true about the Quit India Movement of 1942 ?

  1. It was led by Mahatma Gandhi
  2. It was a non-violent movement
  3. It was a spontaneous movement
  4. It did not attract the labour class in general


Q.5: The Punjab Government directed adminsitraion to remove plaques bearing names of Ministers MNA’s MPA’s and local leaders on development schemes installed since --------- ?

  1. 01 Jan 2018
  2. 28 Feb 2018
  3. 01 March 2018
  4. 01 March 2017


Q.6: Ahmad Shah Abdali launched his early invasions against------- ?

  1. Mughals
  2. Sikhs
  3. Marhattas
  4. British


Q.7: The Kuka movement started in mid-Nineteenth century in----------- ?

  1. Maharashtra
  2. Western Punjab
  3. Madhya Bharat
  4. Bengal


Q.8: The politician who served as both Governor General and Prime Minister of Pakistan was------ ?

  1. Khawja Nazimuddin
  2. Gulam Mohammad
  3. Iskandar Mirza
  4. None


Q.9: Bhambhore city is located in ?

  1. Thatta
  2. Larkana
  3. Sukkur
  4. Sahiwal


Q.10: The archaeological site Kot Diji is located near the city of---------- ?

  1. Larkana
  2. Thatta
  3. Khairpur
  4. Badin


Q.11: Who was the first and the last Chief Executive in the history of Pakistan ?

  1. General Takka khan
  2. General Parvaiz Musharraf
  3. General Raheel Shareef
  4. General Ayoob Khan


Q.12: Who was the second Governor-General of Pakistan ?

  1. Liaquat Ali Khan
  2. Abdul Rab Nishter
  3. Raja Ghazanfar
  4. Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din


Q.13: First Women Bank Limited commenced its business on------ ?

  1. 02 Nov 1989
  2. 02 Dec 1989
  3. 02 Dec 1988
  4. 01 Nov 1990


Q.14: The most precious gemstone Emerald are found in----- ?

  1. Gilgit
  2. Hunza
  3. Swat
  4. Dir


Q.15: The Quit India Movement was launched in in the month of-------- ?

  1. March
  2. June
  3. August
  4. October


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Q.1: The first published urdu book is ------ ?

  1. Pir-e-Kamil
  2. Dan Majlis
  3. Aab-e-hayat
  4. None of these


Q.2: Who abolished One Unit ?

  1. Yahya Khan
  2. Syed Attiullah Shah
  3. Z.A Bhutto
  4. F.M. Ayub Khan


Q.3: Bala hissar fort is in which city of KPK ?

  1. Swat
  2. Peshawar
  3. Abbotabad
  4. Mardan


Q.4: The Ishkoman Valley is in---------- ?

  1. Punjab
  2. Gilgit Baltistan
  3. Balochistan
  4. KPK


Q.5: Who was the First Muslim Governor of Lahore ?

  1. Malik Ayyaz
  2. Meer Fayyaz
  3. Allah Dino Boland
  4. Agha Kuttab


Q.6: The tools and weapons of Harappan Civilization were mostly made of----- ?

  1. Stone only
  2. Stone and copper
  3. Copper bronze and Iron
  4. Copper tin and bronze


Q.7: Noori Jam Tamachi is Sindhi famous story Noori’s grave is around the Lake ?

  1. Haleji
  2. Manchar
  3. Keenjhar
  4. Hadero


Q.8: Who was the first Inspector General (IG) of Punjab Police ?

  1. Mian Anwar Ali
  2. A.Awan
  3. S.N Alam
  4. Qurban Ali Khan


Q.9: Which PTV Programme was hosted by PM Benazir Bhutto during 1970s ?

  1. Focus on world
  2. Pakistan today
  3. Outlook
  4. Encounter


Q.10: The title Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim-Unity was given to Mr Jinnah by------- ?

  1. Mustafa-Kamal
  2. Allama-Iqbal
  3. Sarojini-Naidu
  4. None Of These


Q.11: Keenjhar Lake is also called--------- ?

  1. Birds Lake
  2. Kalri Lake
  3. Jhari Lake
  4. None of these


Q.12: The Afghan Government appointed----------- to facilitate Mujahireen during Hijrat Movement 1920 ?

  1. Dr. Abdul Ghani
  2. Kamal Khan
  3. Abdul Majeed
  4. None


Q.13: Who bestowed ‘NRO’ for the first time in political history of Pakistan ?

  1. Zia ul Haq
  2. Ayub Khan
  3. Yahya Khan
  4. Pervez Musharraf


Q.14: Which are the aligned years in Pakistan’s foreign policy--------- ?

  1. 1963-1972
  2. 1954-1962
  3. 1947-53
  4. Non of these


Q.15: Recent earthquake of October 2005 was result of-------- ?

  1. Volcanic activity
  2. Tectonic dislocation
  3. Severe flooding
  4. None of these


Q.16: Under the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 Pakistan has the right to use exclusively the water of--------- ?

  1. Ravi Sutleg and Chenab
  2. Sutleg Chenab and Jhelum
  3. Chenab Jhelum and Indus
  4. None of these


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Objective Type OTS Pakistan Studies Notes

Q.1: How many Muslim seats were secured by All India Moslim League in 1945-46 Election of Provincial assemblies------ ?

  1. 396
  2. 425
  3. 441
  4. None of these


Q.2: The Lahore Resolution was amended and Pakistan was made an integral part of League’s objective. The amendment was made in the Annual session (1941) of All India Muslim League which was held at-------- ?

  1. Karachi
  2. Lahore
  3. Madras
  4. None of these


Q.3: The All-Indian Muslim League observed ‘Day of Deliverance’ after the resignation of the All-India Congress Minsters. On what date was it observed-------- ?

  1. 22 October 1938
  2. 22 December 1938
  3. 22 October 1939
  4. 22 December 1939


Q.4: An agreement for cooperation was sighned during Turkish President Kennan Everno`s visit to Pakistan in Feb 1980 in the field of------ ?

  1. Defence production
  2. Tourism
  3. Shipping
  4. Research and Development


Q.5: The first railway line in Pakistan was laid between ------ ?

  1. Karachi-Kotri
  2. Multan-Lahore
  3. Sibi-Quetta
  4. Rawalpindi-Peshawar


Q.6: The Millat and Menace of Indianism is written by-------- ?

  1. Muhammad Ali
  2. Ch. Rehmat Ali
  3. Shaukat Ali
  4. None of these


Q.7: Which Person remained Chairman Wapda chairman Sindh Governor SBP and President of Pakistan ?

  1. Ghulam Ishaq Khan
  2. Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry
  3. Waseem Sajjad
  4. Rafiq Tarar


Q.8: Asif Ali Zardari was the----------elected President of Pakistan to Complete his constitutional term ?

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
  4. Fourth


Q.9: Almost how many languages are spoken in Pakistan ?

  1. 10
  2. 20
  3. 30
  4. 50


Q.10: When was Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Founded ?

  1. 14 July 1950
  2. 14 July 1954
  3. 14 July 1956
  4. 14 July 1958


Q.11: When King Edward Medical University (oldest university of Pakistan) was established ?

  1. 1852
  2. 1856
  3. 1860
  4. 1884


Q.12: The British Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald announced the Communal Award in 1932 at the end of-------- ?

  1. First Round Table Conference
  2. Second Round Table Conference
  3. Third Round Table Conference
  4. None of these


Q.13: Harappa City is situated on the bank of---------- ?

  1. Ravi River
  2. Chenab river
  3. Sutlej river
  4. Jhelum river


Q.14: Few individuals significantly alter the source of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be created with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three. Who made these remarks about Quaid-e-Azam----- ?

  1. Stanley Wolpert
  2. Ian Stephens
  3. Lawrence Ziring
  4. None of these


Q.15: Hassan Ali Effendi established Sindh Muhammaden Association on the Advice of------- ?

  1. Quid-e-Azam
  2. G.M.Bhurgiri
  3. Justice Syed Ameer Ali
  4. Molana Ubaidullah Sindhi

